Web 3.0

Navigating the Bear Market: Bowled’s Incredible Growth Story

In the last few years, rug-pulls, hacks, and scams have become commonplace in web3, and the challenges of the bear market caused a lot of NFT, DeFi, and GameFi projects to shut shops without ever launching their products or creating…

Web 3 Gaming and the New Era of Online Gaming

The world is witnessing a significant shift in the way we perceive the internet and its applications. The emergence of Web 3 technology has opened up new possibilities, particularly in the gaming and virtual reality space. In this article, we…

Impact of Web 3 on Digital Marketing and Advertising

As the internet continues to evolve, we are seeing the rise of Web 3, the next stage of the Internet’s development. This new era of the internet is set to have a significant impact on digital marketing and advertising. In…

Syscoin Signs Major Deal to Boost Web3 Development in Asia

Eindhoven, Netherlands, December 21, 2022 Syscoin, a decentralized and open-source project founded in 2014, has announced a long-term partnership with WEconomy, the largest Web3 incubator in Asia. The move marks a significant expansion milestone for the Syscoin ecosystem and adoption…

Will Acara become the new power in Web 3.0, making social more attractive?

Whether it is Elon Musk’s acquisition of twitter that will soon introduce Web3 features, or the previous change of Facebook’s name to Meta All in Meta Universe. It’s proof that Web 3 has created a worldwide technology and business wave….